Those of you who have scoured cookbooks and websites in search of a quick and easy recipe for the weekdays and nights, exposing yourself to computer viruses whilst scraping the dark underbelly of the internet, scour no more. Often times the best things in life are the simplest, case and point, the humble scrambled eggs and tomato. After reading the comments you guys left me on my social media (links in the sidebar), I learned that many of you also grew up eating this dish. Some of you suggested adding onions while others emphatically yelled "witchcraft" from their rooftops. While suggestions are encouraged they aren't necessary because today we're sticking with the crowd-pleaser. Passed on to my momma from her dad and generations before him, this dish needs no accoutrements or augmentations. Remember, the simplest things are often the best.
While I'll admit it was difficult to shoot this dish because of it's somewhat brain-like features, the poorly taken photography in no way degrades the deliciousness of the recipe. Because this is so easy to make and can be achieved with only basic refrigerator staples, this is a dish you can prepare whenever you want in whatever mental state you're in. On a completely unrelated note, this is the perfect hangover food. I know this not by experience so one need not call the Center for Underaged Drinking. My point is nostalgia can be had by you whenever you'd like in less than five minutes. Cheers!